Unknown internal error doing a POST to /api/commands/update-check-21-11-22

@MarkMayberry Helllo again.
Linking to an almost identical post from your here:

In that thread you were seeing this message on a CentOS install. Did you get around to installing our current v4 variant? In the interim we now have pre-build installers on our re-done website. Take a look at the downloads page:

So it’s no longer necessary to do the DIY installer build.

But note that we don’t yet have a stable release repository setup for the 15.3 profiles as we are not yet at a stable release. We paradoxically do have a repo for the 15.2 profiles however as we needed that in place to weed-out a tricky issue we had with zypper early on. But we are due to populate that repo soon as we are already on 4.0.9-0 Release Candidate 10. But check-out the downloads page for where we are up to when you get the time.

Hope that helps.

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