V5.0+ Testing Channel Changelog


Released in testing channel updates on 22nd July 2023


This is the first release of a renewed testing phase. The testing ‘branch’ was last merged with the master branch at 4.6.0-0 denoting a new Stable release phase in the master branch. This new testing phase stems from that code snapshot and represents a known unknown (read out-for-testing) see:

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 24th July 2023.


As we have now significantly updated our Python in the prior release of 5.0.0-0 we have had to employ a brute force wipe of the virtual environment we actually run in/on! This will be happening for the forceable future in testing updates. See: (t) in wiping venv we need to restart all services · Issue #32 · rockstor/rockstor-rpmbuild · GitHub for future plans to smoothing out this mechanism. So:

command line reboot may be requried

once this update has completed.

What’s Changed

Thanks to @Mark93 & @eriklysoe for reporting and helping to diagnose these issues.
Also thanks to @Flox for helping extensively with both the above issues.
Also thanks to @StephenBrown2 for taking a looks at our ongoing development - we nearly go a pull request in by them but unfortunately there was just too much going on with these issues which needed to be addressed before we have the feature addition associated with their ongoing pull request.

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 2nd August 2023


DEVELOPERS ONLY - we are still early on in the new testing phase.

Thanks to @Flox and forum members @agjbond007 and @anborn for helping to identify a zypper dup related issue that left older (but distribution updated) rockstor installs with an incompatibility re pg_config availability. This has now been resolved in this update. If you were affected and have not applied the issue-linked forum fix then a cli update to this version and rebooting there-after should fix things. All helps with improving our robustness re updates so many thanks all-around there.

And we have a feature add by forum member @StephenBrown2, a now long in the tooth Rockstor users (returning contributor) who has enabled ZSTD compression within our Web-UI (default level for now). Nice. And as always much appreciated.

And of course thanks to our intrepid forum moderator @Hooverdan for helping here, there, and everywhere :slight_smile: .

What’s Changed

New Contributors

@StephenBrown2 made their first contribution in #2619

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 19th August 2023


DEVELOPERS ONLY - we are still early on in the new testing phase.

Thanks to @Flox (co-maintainer) and @Hooverdan (forum moderator and all around help).

As always thanks also to all those attributed below for development/review/issue work. And to forum members @marciopamplona (reporting our ghosting of prior config-backups) and @eriklysoe for confirming the same. @Hooverdan & @Flox worked out what we (read my mistake) had missing in our rpm scriptlets during update using our new Poetry build/deploy system. I have provided a fix in this release for the core issue here, but we have (as always) more room for improvements in this area.

We also have some on-boarding and development niceties comming in with this release and @StephenBrown2 has followed up with yet more compression improvements within the Web-UI. Following-up on their prior introduction of zstd as a compression option.

Overall we have a number of update/development improvements that should help with easing the dependency updates we have planned.

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 15th September 2023


DEVELOPERS ONLY - we are still early-mid cycle in our current testing phase.

Thanks to @Flox (co-maintainer) & @Hooverdan (forum moderator and all around help).

This update is the first for a while to not include any changes to our rpmbuild specification. This is a good thing and follows-on from a series of recent changes to fix various update issue that were reported here on the forum. This time around, post 5.0.3-0, we have had no such reports. Time will tell if we have these all resolved now, so keep an eye out; as always.

This release concerns mainly some preparation/fixes re our next Django update, and some AD/LDAP fixes/improvements: thanks to @Flox for these, and recent form member @bhotrock for reporting and assisting with the latter. We also have a nice user experience upgrade from @Hooverdan re our new, more obvious display of our “Uses openSUSE Leap/Tumblewed …” OS version.

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 19th October 2023
Apparently this is our 100th GitHub Release :slight_smile:


DEVELOPERS & TESTERS - we are more like mid cycle in our current testing phase now.

Thanks to @Flox (co-maintainer) & @Hooverdan (forum moderator and all around help).

Here we have a continuation of our technical dept resolution. Bit by bit.
We also have some improvements re Rock-on definition retrieval. Thanks to @Hooverdan & @Flox working with forum members @greven, @jimla1965 to help to highlight and investigate this issue. We should now take around 1/3 of the time, and we run this task in a better thread type. If you had this problem before, please report here on the forum if it is now fixed for you.

And … drum roll … @Flox has done our initial Tailscale intergration.
This one will definitely need some domain expertise (that I don’t have) so if you use Tailscale, please given this new service a try. It will not work without first by-hand following an upstream Tailscale repo addition and install. See the following comment from an issue in our rockstor-install for install instructions: Pre-install Tailscale · Issue #142 · rockstor/rockstor-installer · GitHub

Also note we have a current blocker on our TW/arm64 target: Tumbleweed-aarch64 .venv build fails on gevent wheel · Issue #2693 · rockstor/rockstor-core · GitHub

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 16th January 2024

1st Stable Release Candidate (RC1)

As can be seen by these changes and those preceeding it in our ongoing 5.0.* testing phase: we are in process of updating our base dependencies. And hopefully fixing all that ‘falls’ in the process. This release is marked RC1 as we now need wider testing to begin our push towards a more production/tested release that we can promote as Stable. Our last of which was 4.6.1-0 (after 4.1.0-0 before it), and our next intended Stable release version will be 5.1.0-0, if our plans pan-out.


We now run on Python 3.11 and Django 4.2 LTS; and have updated all our Python dependencies to their latest versions, as of each updates implementation. This was the primary, and rather ambitious goal of this current testing phase.

There are inevitably regressions, with such fundamental updates, and one particularly gnarly one has been our replication code: this had many Py2.7isms and we paid for this in the delay getting to this release. Thanks to forum member @niko for their reporting on this regression. It is now expected that we have restored our prior stable version replication function with this release. There will inevitably be improvements to be made but initially we needed what we had in our last stable release: at least.

As usual I would like to thank all testers, developers, & reporters, and specifically @Flox and @Hooverdan for their stellar efforts across the project.


With this release we have now adoped a proper secrets management system. As such, the default/predefined/special-case cliapp credentials had to be redefined. This will break all existing replication and is unavoidable with our other ongoing update orientated goals. However replication in this testing phase has been broken for some time now. But for those intending to update to this release who rely-on, or are willing to test replication: you will need to re-establish any existing replication configuration. Just start over to be sure of a clean start.

See our current GitHub Milestone for context:

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 29th January 2024

2nd Stable Release Candidate (RC2)

Note, there were a few surprised reporters here on the forum that our TESTING-channel-only release of RC1 (5.0.6-0) rpm failed to update from a number of older releases. This is entirely normal, every rpm we publish is tested before release for it’s fresh install capability (no .initrock so DB wipe). But updates, from any prior install (regardless of channel), are in no way guaranteed/tested/indicated-as-working. But given that; as we enter the last stage of each testing phase (RC* releases) we begin, resources/contributions/time allowing, to make best efforts on updating from the last Stable release only (currently 4.6.1-0). But given the extensive changes we have made, and usually make in each testing run, this often also ensures updates from any prior testing version in the current phase: but only later on in said phase.


With the above as context, we got our much appreciated high quality feedback from forum engaged testers/developers to further our collective effort. Special thanks to @KarstenV for their patient and productive persistence engaging with our stalwart Open Collective team members of @Flox & @Hooverdan. The result diagnosed some subtle issues (cause not effect :slight_smile: ) around our very first Poetry update combined (happenstance - looking on the bright side) by way of yet-another Django update; with a PostgreSQL format incompatibility.

We have now, in this testing phase alone, updated virtually every dependency we have; some, like our Python and Django versions, as many as 3 times each. This step-by-step approach was taken to maintain a fresh install rpm capability during all these changes. Greatly easing community engagement/feedback on our priorities and progress. And further testing our developing update mechanisms. The testing channel is our way to reach production quality releases, consequently the first stable release rpm is always also published in testing first (at the end): as a result of our existing methods, unchanged for the lifetime of the project.

All 3 functional changes in this release pertain to testing-channel-only rpm update regressions introduced/reported/uncovered in our last testing rpm. Thanks also to @hmete1, @Warbucks, and @phemmy22 for their positive engaging on these and other issues here on the forum. We still have some ‘5.1.X-X Stable release’ Milestone issues to address, and are open to adding smaller ones if well defined.

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 12th Feburary 2024

3rd Stable Release Candidate (RC3)

Thanks to @Mark93, @Warbucks, @DrHolzer, @Tex1954, @McFaul for some excellent reporting, diagnostic, & confirmation efforts here on the forum with the venerable @Flox & @Hooverdan . We have here a specific fix for an SMB export regression introduced in 5.0.6-0 and persisted in 5.0.7-0 testing channel releases. The fix rolls in a more centralised approach to managing our environmental variables under Poetry; the root cause of the issue indicated: lack of universal access to a required environmental variable associated with our new-in-5.0.6-0 dedicated secrets management.

We also have an unburdening of our prior excessive use of rpm’s %posttrans scriptlet. We had rather over-stretched its intended use I think. Hence the adoption of a new rockstor-build.service to more easily surface issues associated with our build.sh script: in-turn associated with a number of update failures experienced in this and the last testing phases. Future such issues should now be easier to identify and resolve on testing instances. There has also been an improvement in our debug content of the now well appreciated poetry-install.txt file!

For all those involved in the current SMB export investigations: please also note the following ongoing (open) issue:

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 19th April 2024

4th Stable Release Candidate (RC4)

As usual: thanks to all those who have helped here on the forum, in GitHub issues (i.e. GitHub user ubenmackin’s estensive reporting/interactions re “Disk miss-attribution to ROOT”) and in side channel chats/support email.

The main fixes here are hopefully the last remaining issues re our multiple Python updates within this single testing phase (now on Py3.11), a re-vamp/extensive clean-up/simplification of our lowest level of drive/pool management, and a lot of background maintenance updates to our first-and-more order dependencies. Plus a few Web-UI tidies.

An interesting, and long awaited (by me) improvement that has come from the low-level disk management re-do, is our new stance on the ROOT (OS/System) Pool. We no longer recommend that this is ever imported/used. It import option is now marked as “Advanced Users Only”: however this will only be evident on completely fresh install. I’ll try and cook-up a DB command to return existing installs to this state: as it has some significant Web-UI speed/usability improvements associated with it. The ROOT pool is never really managed by Rockstor’s Web-UI and that has to always be the case: and we should strongly discourage its use from now on. This new stance further enforces a separation of OS from Data. And the ‘ROOT’ pool that we inherit from upstream is actually pretty complex given we enforce a boot-to-snapshot capability. And our ‘view’ of it has always been very simplified. Again, existing installs updating to this version will maintain their existing ‘ROOT’ Pool managed status. But plan on this not being the case for fresh installs resulting from all future installers.

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 17th June 2024

5th Stable Release Candidate (RC5)

Our usual thanks to all those who have tested and reported here on the forum to get us ever close to our first 5.1.x-x Stable release. Special mention this time to our intrepid forum moderator and all-over contributor @Hooverdan who found a rather prominent bug that crept in at 5.0.6-0 and remained through to 5.0.9-0: see changelog below for details. As always we have also @Flox to thank for yet more investigations & interpretations.

Due to the imminent Stable release, and the fact that our recently refreshed downloadable installers (including one based on openSUSE Leap 15.6) contain this bug where, an upstream default wasn’t, I’ll get to publishing quickly.

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.