V5.0+ Testing Channel Changelog


Released in testing channel updates on 3rd July 2024

6th Stable Release Candidate (RC6)

Thanks to all who have helped us to get this far. Special thanks to forum members @coffax, @McFaul,
& @mpidala for their forum interactions to help pin-down the bugs that are now fixed in this release. As always thanks also to @Flox co-maintainer, and @Hooverdan forum moderator & all-around core contributor; both of which helped with the fixes here also.

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 11th July 2024

7th Stable Release Candidate (RC7)

Thanks to all who have helped us to get this far. Special thanks to @Flox co-maintainer, and @Hooverdan forum moderator & all-around core contributor.

Bar some recent forum reports - that have yet to be resolved fully to the GitHub issue stage, we have now cleared our next Stable Milestone: alas we have an outstanding Pi4 service fail on first reboot (noted on downloads page), but works if then started by-hand! And a curious Web-UI scrub status unknown issue - but the scrub is non-the-less executed OK! But as always: bit by bit.

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 17th July 2024

8th Stable Release Candidate (RC8)

As always: special thanks to @Flox co-maintainer, and @Hooverdan forum moderator & all-around core contributor.

  • @Tex1954 thanks for the “unknown” scrub reporting: should be fixed now. We had a hick-up in btrfs-progs version sensing: now improved to be more robust.
  • @Stevek thanks for reporting you findings re the Share resize: It related to an artifact of imported pool: but all good as we were due for some quota support improvements.

I would like to draw attention to the ‘13’ minor version designation here: please test extra thoroughly :slight_smile: .

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.



Released in testing channel updates on 27th August 2024

9th Stable Release Candidate (RC9)

As always: special thanks to @Flox co-maintainer, and @Hooverdan forum moderator & all-around core contributor.

  • @andyz Thanks for the detailed report re the system reserved home share issue, now fixed in this release.
  • @MyOwn Thanks for the Pi4 reboot confirmation. We finally tracked this down to extra systemd config required as a result of no persistent real-time-clock. That was a tricky one.

Counter to expectations, our prior 5.0.13-0 release was actually drama free: so we are definitely getting there :slight_smile: . Only minor / cosmetic / maintenance changes in this release, but we do have some long awaited multi container Rock-on fixes that we squeezed in to accommodate a specific Rock-on in-the-works. More on this when the time comes.

The remaining goals for the current testing channel phase are now minimal. Only show-stoppers will be entertained prior to some more cosmetics before we have our long awaited 5.1.x-x Stable tag.

A special testing request goes out to those familiar with our Share replication subsystem. Our “Routine update of dependencies” introduced a new major version of pyzmq. This is as-yet untested: but the prior version worked just dandy :slight_smile: .

What’s Changed

Test away and report rapidly as we work against the forces of kipple.